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be dropped in view of recent govn. increases in price of MDF))
-are some types of kompos which use mixture of MDF and/or pieces of old tire (potongan ban)
-there already is some non-PDP kompoisasi in Sumenep
already get 8 tangki (tanks) MDF (per day?) from Pertamina & plan to start lunging in even more (no info on dropping point, but presume in Sumenep town - need more info on distribution system)
are two komopoisasi units in Kec. Dasuk (north coast) which villagers bought & installed themselves

1 tangki = 5000 liters = 25 drums
1 drum = 200 liters
1 tangki costs 200,00 Rp current prices & 1 drum costs 8000 Rp

new kompoisasi units planned use 18 drums per firing = 144,000
are some larger units on market w/ 40m3 capacity which use 27-28 drums per firing
traditional sampah-burning industry is turun-temurun (handed down from previous generations)
no of trad. ovens somewhat less than no of KK since some of larger ovens w/ capacity of 4m3 may be used by 2-3 kk each

producers in the two project villages only sell locally, acc. to Pak Eddy - [[strikethrough]] l [[/strikethrough]] their product does not yet reach Surabaya

sell product by the "koyan" - one koyan = 120 kerosene tins (blek minyak tanah) - one koyan sells for 15,000-16,000 Rp & may be resold to consumer by intermediaries for 18,000-19,000
many customers who want to build something, however, buy directly from the village

1 fairly large traditional kiln employs 2 persons ((men?)): 
   1 to dig out the batu gamping (limestone)
   1 to look for firewood ((above he said sampah used))