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storage (tempat beras)
market for these baskets is all along the coast "because there are Madurese people all long the coast"
- there are 700 - 800 basketmakers ((HH's?)), 40 HH in Saroka alone
project will klompokan the Saroka basketmakers try to raise the quality + [[inserted]]maybe[[inserted]] increase the variety of products made
will bring in basketmakers from desa Gunung Kembar Kec. Manding, where the industry almost died out + was revived

[[circled]]5[[circled]] possible project for batik makers in Pekandangan Barat, kec. Bluto are 80 KK.
formerly made fine batiks + Pak Eddy would like to revive quality production in the village; envisions a project to supply cloth, dyes + other raw materials on credit
says current marketing situation OK
[[left margin]]PE KANDANGAN BARAT[[/left margin]]
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finally Pak Eddy outlined staffing of Kabupaten industry office:
             4 technical staff
             7 administrative
             3 PLP
             1 TPL    (w/ responsibility 
                      for gula swialen 
                      ind. in Kec Batang 2
                      + genteng industry 
                      in Kec. Gapura

             5 motorcycles, no car

first field stop of the day in desa Bluto (see above p 42 + 45-48) one of 2 desas in 1 st-yr kapur project
[[left margin]]BLUTO
(kapur)[[/left margin]]
stopped first at the [[inserted]]traditional[[inserted]] "tumang" (kiln) of Pak Bugis
can fire a maximum of 5 M[[2nd]]3[[2nd]] -
fire 4 X (a mo?), 24 hrs each time
look for wood + dry materials - don't buy unless they can't find enough, but then said buy about 150 pikuls a mo @ 200 Rp
7 men work together at Pak Bugis' lumang - work secara "otasan",
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