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Pak Zaini appears to be mainly a pedagang pengumpul (collector trader)
2 men & 4 women work in his houseyard making making baskets, but another 20 HH betor with him

there is no sexual division of labor & both men and women make billah sheets, jejet & put on rims
- bamboo comes from nearby deas in the same kecamatan - bought per batang & each pengrajin cuts his own into strips
- rattan comes from Banyuwangi by prahu
- bamboo in local lnguage called ' perreng' and rattan is called 'manc lin'
in Saroka they use a mix of cane & outer layers of bamboo in the same basket
3 inner strips & then a green outer "to keep count" ("untuk perhitungan")-
- use bamboo duri which sell for 400-500Rp per batang - get 5 kelasa for this much bamboo
- a 4-meter piece of rattan sells for 100Rp & is enough to do finishing work on 2 baskets

- one kelasa sells for 1000Rp
- one man can make 2 baskets a day
- this can canulate daily profit:
2000Rp sales (2 baskets) 
- 200Rp for bamboo
- 100Rp for rattan
1700 profit

if this so, profits remarkably high
at Zainis buruh get 500Rp each per day but they bring their own materials
Zaini says the buruh like to work in his place because many tengkulaks visit him
Zaini says he is the only penampung (collector trades, pedagang pergumpul) in the village
- Zaini wants capital, which he would use for buying up a supply of bamboo (persediaan bamboo)
the tengkulaks who buy are locals, Zaini says, but they sell not only Madra but on Java as well
work sheds in the village are