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Abduls' wife & 1 female buruh
harian who is paid 350 Rp for
a morning's work (6AM - 10 AM) -
it takes 4 days for a batch of
tempe to jadi
with 10 gantang (ganteng?) of dry
beans can make about 50 sheets
of tempe (actually made inside
plastic wrappers)
sell tempe for 200 Rp a sheet
can calculate profit:

   10g. X 9 00 = 1000 Rp for beans
                   350 labor (if 1 day, 
                 ----- more if more days)
                  9350 costs

   50 sheets X 200 = 10,000 intake
                        650 profit

women use wood because "yangkeja
wanita, masih belum mengesti
cara menghidupkam kompor"
("the ones who work are women,
they still don't understand how
to start up a kompor")
women boil their beans & then
take them to the river beside
Bu Abduls house where they stamp
the beans inside a basket with

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their feet till the skins float away -
then the next day the beans are
boiled again
the tempe mold on 'ragi' is bought
in the form of powder (bubuk) from
Jember (formerly on a waru
if the beans aren't stamped
properly & all the skins removed
then the tempe won't turn out
well ("tidak jadi baik")
Pak Abdul market his wife's
tempe at the same time he
markets his own tahu - says
he sells all the tempe hi wife
makes & could sell more but
they are short of labor ("kurang
tehaga") - not many women in
the village can stamp beans
Pak Abdul would like a mechanical
grinder (Mesin giling) for his
tahu business - seemed not
too interested in getting assistance
for his wife's tempe business &
indeed men of the village
showed rather condescending
attitudes toward wive's
tempe enterprises