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finally stopped at desa kebunan
Kec. Kota Sumenep where 1 man,
Pak Safari, producing lontar -
shaped buckets of sheet zinc
resenbling in form the trad. -
style buckets used for watering
tobacco plants
(same buckets which, ace. Wahyono,
seen on tempe weaving HH's in

very hot this day in Sumenep - violent
sick headache
beautiful stripped sailboats in reds
& yellows out on the straits between
Java & Madura

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April 9

began day with discussions at
Pembangunan office with Pak
Basuki, head of Dept. Ind, II
[[boxed]] PAMEKASAN [[bxed]]
began 1st with discussions of 2
blacksmithing villages in Pame-
kasan, Tambung & Simalang
in Tambung, located in kec.
Padamawu just 4K from
Pamekasan town, have developed

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method for using steenkool
(slag coal left over from coal-
burning trains-found in
heaps around old railway
steenkool used in Tambung from
Kalianget on east coast, place
where trains used to end their

in Samalang, kec. Pakong acc. to Pak Basuki,
are 4 perapens using +_ 20
tenaga kerja
make farm tools incl. sabit,
congkul, linggis
Dinas is planning a program
deklat & assistance in form
of iron credits & tools (seek 10,
pp 81-83) - a first year project

perapen in this area is called a
'besalin' & pengusaha is called
a 'juragen'
Dinas hopes to introduce into
Somalang following types of new
products: linggis, long cangkul
for dry lands, ganco for stone
breaking, long garpu
now using regular charcoal in
Somalang and want to guide