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4 hrs. is the maximum amt of time a man can spend in a quarry hole so will have to work in crews on shifts
now is only 1. quarry which, acc. to Pak Basuki, is very small (( doesn't tally as bk 10 above - mayb this note means is only 1 underground quarry but are other units doing surface quarrying)) - the 1 unit mentioned by Pak Basuki has 16 buruh pengangkut which he terms "ordng luah" (outsiders -  recheck all this)

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next discussed a project for lime burners in desa Klompang Barat (see above bk 10 pp 19 - 80) also a 1st-yr. project, also located in Kec. Pasong
thru this project are planning to build two demonstration lime ovens with kompors which burn MDF and residue

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in Pamekasan the limestone is very hard & requires more MDF per unit of lime made than in other areas stone is softer

asked some questions about prices & learned than in 1979 when project written up the price of MDF was 110,000Rp per tangki, 5000 per liter
present price is 250,000 per tangki
- Pak Basuki said they will try to overcome this problem - one way is to build demonstration ovens which are "senbra guna", it can use other firing materials (such as wood) as well
- the demonstration ovens will have a capacity of 12M3 each (as compared with 3-5M3 for the trad ovens)
cost of one demonstration oven will be 500,000Rp
- are now 5 trad. units
under the project 20 people will be "dihimpun" (assembled), including both pengusaha & buruh
will be divided into the klompaes to use the 2 kilns given
will be given training in:
1. how to load (mengisi menyusun) the stones in the kiln
2. how to select stones by quality
3. how to use the kompors