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a "penancal" (can't find in dictionary)
- began using steelkool in 1960 - first got from Kamal, then from Pamekasan, and when those two sources used up turned to Kalianget
Pak Sujai estimates there is still a 5-year supply at Kalianget, at present rates of usage
says that coal burns faster than charcoal
comparative prices:
wood: 75Rp per K
coal: 25Rp per K (formerly 15)
iron is delivered to the village - use sold ship plate, rails &  iron from bridges (jambatan) - iron price now is 125Rp per K
they make own wooden handles

[[left margin]] LARANGAN [[/left margin]]
next visited the demonstration lime kiln in kec. Larangan - talked with elderly desa head who was negative about the oven
says market poor - needs to be decentralized ("perlu dicin- tralisasi") so can sell to Surabaya

((what does this mean?))
- if use minyak ((minyak tarah? MDF?)) price now too high, 250,000Rp per tangki
they haven't tried mixing fuels because, acc. to desa head, would require structural change in the open
price of minyak is determined by central govn, ie. Pertamina
- note here explicates the above, i.e. that menyak tarah (kerosene) cannot be used, acc. to govn. regulation, for anything but household use - cannot be used for industrial use, even cottage industries, hence Dept. of Industry cannot build any kilns or ovens which burn minyak tarah
acc. to desa head, there is no profit when fire kilns with purchased wood - only a profit when gather firewood - gathering has the additional advantage, from his point of view, that clean land for farming at same time - "seperti membeli tanah" (like buying land")
they raise some lime for fuelwood