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1. gill nets for catching large fish
2. gondrong net which used for a mixed catch (kombinasi)
3. setet net for small fish

women say they don't normally sell the nets they make because price would have to be than the store-bought nets- store-bought set of gill nets costs about 55,000 Rp
1 set consists of 2 or 3 "tengteng"

if make gill nets buy had must spend per tengteng 22,000 Rp for nylon thread and 13,000 Rp for the pelampung weights and the ruwes rope

1 prahu normally uses 3 sets of gill nets

Toko Lek Sim sells ready-made nets locally, but if want cheaper go to Surabaya- no problem getting, always in supply
-one woman can make 1 set of hand-knotted nets every month

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or so
women are also busy selling fish caught by the men- large fish are sold fresh and smaller fish are sold dried
-villagers report that yields from fishing are down because of the trawlers- the prahus are not brave enough to go far from shore because they are afraid their nets will be ruined
-trawlers originate out of Surabaya + Grisik; villagers say that the sea police (IURUD = polisi laut) is not able to control the trawlers- trawlers erase their numbers and remove their flags so that identification is impossible
-Pak Sugina is head of the fishermans coop (rukun nelayan) in K.B. -
apparently is a coop not just of the men but whole families 
in 1974 the fishermen ("nelayan"- seems all male) were taken on a study tour sponsored by the Pemerintah Daerah- rukun was formed when they came home
rukun acts as an arisan, collecting capital from members 2x a wk. 
also acts as coop bank (simpan-pinjam) - also has available (persediaan)