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fire every 3 days in dry season means 10 X 750 X 3 = 22,500 spent on wages & 12,500 left as profit for owner of the tomang
- Pak Mohsalih said he never borrows capital & doesn't want to; production stops in the rainy season
- at beginning of each dry season he sells off 1 cow (sapi) for 150,000Rp which gives him his starting capital
he buys the cow young at the end of the dry season * raises to sell off at beginning of next dry
- he generally pays wages when sells product but if has money will give advances - true for all tomang owners
- women do farming
- stones come from own land; look for wood on neighbor's land, pay per tree - lime makers do the cutting - dry leaves may be taken free
- when asked what they need, said "modal"; even if in form of credit still want (this despite statement of Pak Mohsalih above)

[[left margin]] SOMALANG [[/left margin]]
- last to Desa Somalang
- blacksmithing (see above pp 72-74)
- stopped at the perapen of Pak Durai:
1 pandai
1 ubub
2 hammer swingers
2 market "cari pasar")(including son)
use something called a "kikir ganlian"
- use areng from mixed woods including asem, jambu, kelampok, jati, etc.
- buy areng from Pasar Kaong; if none there to Pasar Waru 11 K away to buy
1 sack (goni) ±25K sells for 1600Rp
use 1 sack a day
- iron is car springs and skip iron - they go to [[strikethrough]] shipyards and [[/strikethrough]] scrapyards in Pamekasen to buy, coming home by colt ( which they cal a "taxi") use 10 K a day @ 75-100Rp
- poduce arit, cankul, pisann, linggies, parang (machete)
- perapen in Somalong is called a "pemandian" or "besalin"