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back and forth by a woman named Jusanauri, who lives in Gogja -- she carries the cloths in a selendang and rides a colt
picks up 50-60 pieces at a time and travels to Gmogiri once every 1-2 months
appears that Abu Gogo travels back to Gogja with her, i.e.


[[?]] Jogo has a large house right at the base of the tomb on the right side coming in
house also used for other productive activities
a. makes iced pops, which people pick up and sell around
b. buys and resells krupuck ketala (cassava chips)
saw tabletops filled w/ 

 - 7 - 
these latter on our trip
Aba Gojo says that she determines motifs and showed us cloths (jarik) using both Gogja and solo motifs 
surprisingly she says market for tablecloths and other new -- style products has died out ((moved to urban factories?)) and it is the market for traditional jarik which has remained steady
prices paid are as follows:

not clear why rough tembokan paid so high, but she says 2000 for the wax and 3000 for the work
confusing because she earlier said that she mixed and gave out the wax - buys wax from Chinese store near Taman fare and cloth mori from Pasar Beninghajo 
biggest market before Rebanan
- she says are 200 families in the