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July 30 1984
w/ Maya

visited Kajar; talked 1st w/ Bapak + Obu [[underscore]] Sastro [[/underscore]] (Satrosuyono) says Pak Rianto, former BIPIK field worker, now lives in Jogja ; Joko has also visited recently w/ a group of students
are now 130 perapens (compared in 1977), + 760 smiths 
says industry has grown because, since 1981-82 have been making tools for govn. transmigration program wh/ they sell thru a dealer in Jogja; says they haven't felt the effects of competition from factory-made goods 
nor are they having any trouble getting supplies of iron or charcoal
- still not casting but have learned to finish edges w/ process called "dikrom"
went out + saw new row of four perapens near Pak Sastros house; using diesel-powered polishing tool (wh/, hand-held, moves over surface of the tool with rotary motion

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says has been little outmigration from the village
iron supply mainly from Cilacap & Surabaya nowadays, via a dealer in Jogja
prices now:
besi rel - 250 Rp per K
areng - 100 Rp

wage levels:
empu 2000 (very experienced)
1500 (less experienced)
panjak 1000
ubub 600

women not being used as ububs much, he says ("ada, tapi jarang")
only Sastro's place making gamelon gongs
Koop. not functioning well; problems w/ the savings & loan program
84 has been an extra good year for gaplek production w/ large surpluses ("lipat 2")
villages are selling a large part of the harvest now to Japan via dealer at Cilacap
this despite fact gaplek sells for 50 Rp a K & must then buy rice at