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KAJAR 1991

visit to Kajar in Aug, 1991, w/ [[with]] Alice, her friend Joan, BRI unit & [[strikethrough]] cababan [[/strikethrough]] cabang people

2 met [[stikethrough]] find [[/strikethrough]] 2nd with hurah (Pak Parian, [[strikethrough]] nephew [[/strikethrough]] YOUNGER BR of Sastro)
are 1200 HH. in desa w/ [[with]] total pop. [[population]] of 6250 and total area of exactly 5 KM square (= 5,000,000 meters SQ = 500 hectares)
so pop [[population]] is now 1250 per KM SQ - if so, is a great increase
lurah says ketela (cassava) is still grown, tho people have switched to a rice diet (rice purchased)
cassava sold wet after peeling; sold on the open market to tengkulak
are stores in Wonosari (toko pengumpul) which act as collecting points
they take the cassava to Cilacap & from there it is shipped to Japan
lurah says it is made into animal feed

gamping factory of Pak Sastrowiayo (different Sastro) still operating, 30 - 50 workers
demand exceeds what they can supply;
[[left margin]] set up 1984 in Kajar III [[/left margin]]


buyers come to pick up the gamping
limestone mainly from kecamatan Tepas, 12 KM fron Wonosari near Baron beach; only a little from Kajar

lurah says still getting transmigration orders every year
Coop meets once every 3 mo. [[months]] now; official head is Tarjono
the Dept. [[department]] of Industry Induk (service center) is still operating; operators are 4 persons, all from [[Dinas?]] Per, none from Kajar
Induk moved in 1979, he says, from its original inconvenient location in Ledoksari - wages now, acc. [[according]] to Lurah, are:

ewpu 2000-5000 Rp
panjak 1,500-3000
tuk kikir done borongan because have used electr. [[electricity] last 2 years
male agr. [[agricultural]] workers 2000
female agr [[agricultural]] workers 1250

blower now costs 60,000 Rp
are 2 types of gurinda, rotary + handheld which moves over face of the blade