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and only 10 have more than 450
Kajar has a Bapak Angkat relationship now w/ Krakatoa Steel
there is a marketing problem
about 50% of tools made are marketed locally & these are fully finished remaining 50% marketed to traders in Semarang & Surabaya who want semi-finished tools

[[left margin]] *ask Dinas [[/left margin]]

 Kajar does not have a SII (Standard  Industri Indon.) which would allow it to [[crossed-out]] market [[/crossed-out]] use its own trademark
villagers now prefer tools which say they are made in Taiwan, Germany, or China; Kajar people cant [[can'y]] tell if really imported or fakes
they are not worried about unemployment due to techn. change; rather, they are worried about shortage of labor due to more boys getting higher educ. & feeling they are too good to work as laborers

have been no direct orders for Transmigr.
since end of 1982
[[crossed-out]] son [[/crossed-out]] Kajar tools still reach transmigr. program thru traders, however; one such is


P.T Purwosani in Jogja
prices for iron now are:
rel: 700
besi beton rintik 700 (construction rods with spiral pattern)
they haven't yet gotten steel from Cilacap, tho want to
[[left margin]] * [[/left margin]] (is Krakatoa in Cilacap)

one large karong of charcoal is 5000 Rp            (30-35K)
use 3 types: jati
kehutanam still conviscates & still a problem
have tried batu bara (coal) but too hot;           have never tried coconut shell 
about 10 [[female symbol]] still working as tuk. ubub 
5 units make silverware
6 make horseshoe nails
nobody making regular nails any more because these are factory-made 
they often have to turn down large orders

Transcription Notes:
- Unsure if the + symbol between "locally" and "these" should be typed out as "and" - Don't know where to put the note on the side of page 65