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because can't fill w/in buyers' deadline;

about 30 out of the 135 perapen in the village use the Unit Pelay. Teknis, they say
those who use do so because making products that need some welding & want to use the las listrik
is electro-plating equipment at the UPJ, but not used

the Coop receives [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] orders; had a savings & loan program, but loans macet
(BRI Pinca & Kaudes say Kajar people poor credit risks; still loans outstanding from early 1980's under Credit Mini-Midi program; BRI says is an attitude problem & could repay if wanted to)
maximum size of Coop loans only 50,000 w/ 2% flat interest
this means very little since they also say that ave. daily working capital for a perapen is 50,000-60,000 Rp
has been an inquiry to coop. recently for making tools to open up forest in Quan, but nothing final or definite yet
they have had no dropping of raw 
[[end page]]
[[start page]]

materials (bantuan besi) thru the Coop in many years
some still eat tiwul (cassava mixed w/rice) but as a matter of choice

[[left margin]] ((use these instead of Lurah's or BRI figures)) [[/left margin]]
wages: empu 2500-5000
panjak 2000-2500
kikir sama or borongan
ubub 1500

add 750 a day for food & drinks [[superscript]] per worker [[/superscript]]; nothing for cigarettes (people still roll own)
electric [[strikethrough]] af [[/strikethrough]] bill if use small blower (between 150-250 watt) about 15,000 Rp a mo.
some households had help from Foster Parent's Plan (PKAK) to convert dirt floors to stone tile (batu tekel)

peanuts & soybeans still imp

Pak Rianto (former BIPIK worker) now in Jogja

(4) Pak Atmosoemanto still head of Kajar III next visited last surviving kerio smith, Karyodiwongso

Pak Mantodinomo died in 1988, 3 years ago
he confirmed in all details the story of

[[left margin]]
[[the number "4", circled]]
[[above it, a circle of white-out]]

Transcription Notes:
Words with brackets ending in a question mark are words I am unsure I transcribed correctly. Example: [...?] while I was transcribing the second page, the whole thing disappeared, I don't know why. Sorry.