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Visit to Dinas Perindustrian

Departemen Perindustrian
Dirjen Industri Kecil
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 52-53
lantai 18
Dir. Jendral Industri Kecil
tel. 511-449
secr. 515-351

Subdir. Logam
Kep. Sub dir. Bapak FELIX LENGKONG
tel. 512-450

1st ph. conversation with staff, Bpk. Samsir Razak

1. Explain purpose of visit. Explain previous contacts with Dinas Perindustrian.

2. How do cottage and small industries fit into the government's development program?

Repelita 69, 74, 79, 84, 89, 94

2. How has attitude toward small industries changed between diff. Repelita's?

[[left margin]] checkmark [[left margin]]
3. Is this a Directorate or a subdirectorate?
[[right margin]] directorate ind. [[?]] [[right margin]]

4. What does this (sub)directorate cover? Does it include gold and silver jewelry-making enterprises, bronze casting of statues for antiques shops, other tourist-oriented enterprises? What about gamelan and musical instruments made of metal?

5. What 5-digit codes does this correspond to in the Industrial Census?

6. What types of development programs do they carry out for cottage and small enterprises? (Diklats, service centers, etc.) What are the specific content and variety of these programs?

7. Are there any programs to supply raw materials? What kind? From where? How do they compare in quality and price with raw materials purchased on the open market, such as scrap iron?

8. Are any rural blacksmithing enterprises getting steel blanks from Cilacap or another govn. steel mill? Why of why not?