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23. Are there any restrictions on the import of agricultural and workman's tools?

24. In his opinion, what is the future of small metalworking industries, especially blacksmithing?

25. What are the major problems facing small metalworking industries today?

26. Do they have a copy of the 1964 Industrial Census?

27. Do they have data on numbers of enterprises and workers broken down by 5 digit code, especially for cottage and small industries? (published books do not give for 5-digit on cottage)

28. Do they have other census data such as data on paid vs unpaid workers, male vs female, seasonality, work intensity, value of inputs, gross output, value added, etc.

29. Do they have any data on Kajar? Or any village studies of metalworking villages?

30. Do they have section from Repelita dealing with small industry dev.

31. Is there an update of Sekar Lati?

32. Want to revisit Yogya and Kajar? Who are the best people there to talk to? Names and addresses and phone numbers?

Biro Pusat Statistik
Jl. Dr. Sutomo No. 8
tel. 372-808/374-908/377-992
buka tiap hari, Senin-Jumat, 9:00-15:00, istirahat 12:00-13:00;
except library which closes at 14:30