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now depending heavily on Bpk. Angkats to conduct Diklats because Dinas Pen has no budget for training
also help w/ new technology, supply, management, marketing
one principal of the program is that the relationship should be mutually bene-
ficial (saling menguntungkan)
another Bpk. Angkat is Dunung Dahapi in Medan (pengecoran)
also Sarmani Steel in Ujung Pandang 
Pak Felik echos government view that Indonesia reaching the "take-off" (tinggal landas) position 
factory-made steel still more expensive than scrap
it is still have to use new metal in making tools
Mercedes once ordered components for it
buses + the buses then exported,
Andon. components not exported tho + metal industries not participating much in current export drive
Fak Felik defines "take off" as enterprises being independent ("mandiri")

Bpk Angkats don't have to be metal industries 
P.T. Astra, a big can manuf.
company, set up an institute called
Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra for 
at first only trained own workers; later,
at request Dinas Per, expanded to train 
outside workers
Training includes system processing, reading
blueprints (baca gambas) etc.
20 workers per training class
Astra's motivation is hope that can buy
from if products 
Kopinkra= Kooperasi Ondustri Kecilt
Kerajinan, another Dinas Per Project
Felik feels smiths are better off now than
before, a better marketing situation, a 
wider marketing network
tools not only for ags., but also for
plantation + forestry (pertanian, perkebanan + kehutanan)
acc. to Felik, a lot of tools are smuggled into the country
Felik feels that eventually the prohibition
on tool imports will be lifted, but replaced by
a ton
the government fears that if place restric-