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[[no entries]]


1 Tammens, ing. g. j. f. j. , De Kris[[underlined]], Magic Relic of Old Indonesia [[underlined]], n.d., no publisher, no place, lot of 2 planned vol.

p. 19 author says are some [[krislike?]] objects of bronze & iron in Nat. Museum in Tokyo; [[crossed out]] are [[crossed out]] have a typical asymmetrical form at the base

author uses following dates:
Mataram 1 until the 11th century
Denggala 11th & 12th C.
[[Singosan?]] 13th C.
[[Pajajaran?]] 13th - 15th C.
[[Madjopahit?]] 13th - 15th C.

1th (?) [[Islamitic?]] empires
Demak 1511-1582
Padjang 1520-1582

Mataram 2 1575-1708
Kartasara 1705-1749
Surakarta 1749 - --

old [[babads?]] mention a large Hindu empire called Mendang Kemulan, later changed to [[Purwotjarito?]] gives names of some famous early smiths (only Jav. empu) (Contd. over)