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concern in state laws
HH workers pop. augmented in U.S by lack new wave of jobless immigrants - HEP staff have made no. of speeches of presentations, mainly at lbgol & feminist conferences 
produces & disseminates variety of informational material 
also guidance to help domestics from small HH province businesses (household cleaning businesses) -

a beste relationship with Leah Tulu's Domestic Workers Project in Johannesfung, South Africa.

Project Director, Carolyn Reed, is herself a former domestic

2 New York Times article entitelled "South African Maids Organise, Fat Fean Wrath of "Madam", Mar. 30,1981, by Joseph Lelyveld

800,000 domestics in South Africa, most of them black women working for white families
as in most countries, servants are the workers with fewest legal protections; in &. Afi there are no laws establishing      


minimum pay or working conditions; salaries range from $9 a week or less in rural areas to a maximum of $37 a week for highest Johannesfung servants; more typical is $21 a work week that often lasts 70hrs.
- generally 2 days a week off, tho must often work a few hours 1st so can't really leave till about noon
the 800,000 domestics companies with total white pop of 4.5 mil; very unusual for whites not to have a maid
tiny elite of five in servants who get room & food in addition to salaries; under South Africa racial law, enfored by inspectors who do not need search warrants, a white employer who permits a black servant to have a husband and child in her quarters faces a stiff fine 
[[strikethrough]]most[[strikethrough]] many maids with children keep them in remote homelands and see them only during their annual vacations
- most maids have a family and often they are its sole support; this despite the fact that economists calculate that a family trying to survive on less than $50 a week in South Africa is in dire poverty