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should not "spoil" servant or they 
will become troublesome 
also feature of rising demands for 
p8 consumptive goods, esp. among 
young servants 
when first come from very poor areas.
may be satisfied to have food, shelter &
cast - off clothes 
this doesn't last long & dilemma that 
often majikan's child will spend more 
on single garment than the servant's 
entire monthly salary -- yet living 
in the same house they learn to 
desire these expensive things 

employers nowadays often distresses by 
servants lack of "loyalty" , i.e. willing - 
ness to change jobs 
due less to econ. factors than to:
1. quarrels w/ other servants 
2. feeling that employer doesn't 
trust (serving dikontrust)
3. feeling too often or unfairly scolded
i.e. treatment of her as a worker

9 2 factors that create a 'loyal' employee are: 1. feeling she is respected
2. prospects for upw & and mobility


if draw analogy between household& a business, family of magikan are shareholders while servant is only a wage worker -- hence with little commitment many jobs required in a gedongen house not necessary in a kampong house, i.e. scrubbing floors & tiles, drying of putting away internals, dusting, etc;
hand for servants straight from kampong to accept necessity

majikan's children should be prepared for a servant-less future

4 DAP to Professional Association of Domestic Employees (APED) of Reside Genesis and Professional Association of Domestic Employees(APEDSP) of Sao Paolo (DAP for $120,000)

nearly 600,000 women employed as domestics in these 2 cities with perhaps 2 mil. in whole of Brazil
many domestics are 13-14 yr. old girls from rural areas seeking to continue their education while earning a living face lack of support from employers, long working hrs, physical irritation