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cont. notes on Stella's PRT project (from page 
for this type of program (for new entrants)
the curriculum will be based more on market demand & the types of jobs 
they have previously held 
for the 1st group they perhaps only need
training several has a day
for the 2nd group need to live in so 
that practical training & orientation to 
the new work situation can be carried out 
for skills training will use practical 
methods (praktek) & for attitudinal 
& personal training will use participative 
for the latter the BK - 3 curriculum ((?))
will be useful, as will training in the 
technicalities of credit unions for the 
members of a PRT association 

3.PRT Job Placement Program 
will be one phase in the process, and 
also one of the institute's organizational 
units, to handle placement of 
already- trained workers 
will use ads, women's orgs or other 
workers placed will be have a 
contracts will be signed by 3 parties: the lembaga, the employer & the worker & will embody humanitarian principles but will also protect employers from bad worker practices such as quitting w/out notice, stealing, etc.

4. PRT Association
on-the job consultation & training services will be provided as a follow-up to the training & placement programs
goal of these services to help servant to adjust to new work situations & over-come any possible difficulties in extreme cases of a new placement may be necessary
can also provide protection to PRT in cases where written agreement broken by employer
I can do this because the institute has been legally acknowledged by Depnakerland & FBSI so can provide emergency services before a case has to be taken to P4D or some other competent body

a PRT Assoc. is an org. which can give voice to the importance and labor aspirations of PRT which are accumu-