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coop store, headed by Rudy Linus;
Rudy a formen FBSI Obasis, and a friend of Ali Thoyib (Ali Toyib a formen FBSI Textile Union leader, kicked out of FBSI for "subversi"; now works at LSP)

[[margin]] see p.23 [[margin]]

Patuahwattee started in 1908 by a Indies-born Dutchman named Smutzer (photo in plant office) - mechanized factory set up at the same time, tho of course machinery of an older type 

1st plantinos carried out in 1911 Smutzer died just 5 years ago; owned a number of plantations, not just Patwahwattee

[[underline]] insert [[//underline]]: I was told the following story by a former World Bank plantations expert: Smutzer's  real wife was a Dutch women, who however never liked the Indies; she spent most of her life in Holland; Smutzer therefore took a "nyai" (local mistress)), an Indo on mixed blood women who lived with him on Patuahwattee
after 25 years Smutzers real wife died 

and he married his myai they were married for 20 years 
after Smutzer died the second Mrs. Smutzer was faced with a task she was not trained for, I.P. holding Smutzers plantation empire together; during the 1st two years she was lost a lot of women because she was cheated by an Australian manager she hired (2 million dollars U.S. lost); she was able to overcome this, however, and learn the international commodities market
she now lives in Jakarta in Kemang & goes into the office everyday, handling the export of the business 

[[underline]] Addresses & Ph. No's: [[//underline]]
1 [[Ibu]] Smutzer 
  512-608 office 
  791-943 home 
can also be contacted through Nani Haryadi, a friend of Adi's at the Kop. Sopir [[Tapi]] Indonesia, Gedung Veteran R.I., lantai, [[Jl.]] Jenderal Suduman 50, ph 583-351 pes 111 3, Nani's mother a friend of Mrs. Smutzer's