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conditions at mgrs. complex + worker kampongs great
mgr's complex electrified thru diesel w/ solid middle-class housing; processing factory, coop store, plant. guesthouse, plantation office, Schoo, clinic + sports facilities all located at mgrs. complex
after turn off main road Bandung to Garut, a wide gravel road leads [[strikethrough]] south into the Path plant. area, passing several other large plantations before ending at Patuhawattee, the highest up
this wide road ends at the mgr's complex + thereafter only narrow mtn. roads, barely passable in the dry season by a single vehicle, to reach worker kampongs
{{margin}} see p.25
{{margin}} - also p. 45
acc. to Amin Sasmita, every subdivision has a "penitipan bayi", or day-care center; we had no chance on this day to inspect these are 2 school buildings on Patuhaw., (1)one SD perkebunan at the mgrs. complex which staffed w/P + K teachers - teachers must also be 
given incentives from the company in addition to P + K salary [[strikethrough]] so they won't leave (keeping teachers a problem)
(2)one SD inpres building- no teachers or stage yet so not being used ((location?))
a doctor visits the plantation once a mo; clenic at mgrs. complex staffed by one mantri (Dept. Health field workers) and two asst. mantri; nearest hospital 32 k. away
in general all male laborers get at least the govn. min. wage of 650 Rp. a day; this is because they are classified [[strikethrough]] as daily workers ("buruh Hariah"); may in addition earn premi and overtime payments (lenbur)
this also true of all factory workers, whether male or female
men who do weeding or pruning in the fields are paid per patok (unit of land) but still get 650 as guaranteed floor wage
most of the women (566 out of 644 at Patuhaw.) are not classified as buruh harian but as buruh borongan

Transcription Notes:
is it sasmita of samita?