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i.e. piece rate workers these women are pickers who paid per K. 

Aming Sasmita workers can continue in the fields till about age 50
after that given a pesangon and "go back to the kampong" ((do they all have a kanpong to go back to?)) of total plant labor force are only 28 on pensiun
((I need to clarify diff. pensiun & pesangon))
ave. pesangon = 9 mo. salary if getting minimum wage of 19500 (30 days x 650), then ave. pesangon 175,500 Rp or about $266 dollars U.S. at current exchange rate of 660

one clear sign whether family belongs to upper manager's class or lower workers class in whether wife works: 
1. in general upper class consists of managers, clerical workers, technical staff, head of coop and kepala mandors; wives of these men do not work- on Patuahwattee these wives have 

formed an organization called "Persatuan Istri Karyawan Patuahwattee"- only 2 mo. old- headed by clever young wife of the junior mgrs. who may also be a FBSI basis ((?)) major activity so far of this organiz. is production of school uniforms which sold to worker families as an income generating activity; no PKK yet
-here notes say the kooperasi karyawan 
[[margin]] see p 14 [[margin]] 
[[underline]] not [[//underline]] under the union ((need to clarify this point))

kooperasi appears to be run by these women, including Rudy's wife
breaking point between classes 

[[underline]] [[up arrow]] kepala mandor-wife doesnt not work in the fields [[/underline]] 
[[down arrow]] mandor-wife works in the field

Mrs. Smutzer tho of Dutch descent, is a Swiss citizen management of Patuhawattee in hands of a Swiss conglomerate called Plantagem A.G. 
a general mgr. from Plantagem comes 

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