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("one a month") little illness other than skin disease + flu, latter caused by high altitude (everywhere head reports of skin problems - is this caused by tea itself, by chapping, by insects on the tea plants, on what?) all workers said to be covered by health insurance (Asuransi Kesehatan) managment [[management]] agreed that the family with several adults the most fortunate; young families with several small children not yet old enough to work are the worst off. R.B. started in 1912 by one or more Dutch persons factory destroyed during the war - rebuilt between 1946 - 49 in 1958 taken over by the Ondon. [[?]] govn. workers live I small barracks called 'rumah bedeng' or 'rumah gadang' - are 351 such baracks scattered over 14 kampongs on R.B - each baracks houses 2-3 families (HH) half of the baracks on R.B. are "new construction" , i.e were built after the oven. takeover half, however, date from the Dutch period, i.e. are more than 24 yrs old 

- on R.B. a large no. of worker baracks(163 out of 351) located at central kampong where management lives and where are facilities such as poliklenik doctor visits R.B poliklenik 2x a month, but are 2 month (Dept. Health field workers) stationed there permanently the trad. [[?]] midwives (dukun bayi) on R.B. have already been thru a govn. upgrading course is 50 Kilometers from R.B. to hospital, but they say their poliklenik has "SOS emergensi" facilities no. of children age 11 or younger on R.B are
705 girls
618 boys
((here again see many more girls than boys -- see notes for patuhawattee above p.13 -- why? are people adopting in female children to work as pickers?))no library for children yet on R.B. for birth control (K.B.) a BKBN bidan comes from from Bandung management claims low birth rates 100 vasectomies already have been carried out on R.B. men and 786 women are K.B.