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next returned to Patuhawattee- caught up with two separate groups of women picking tea- 
Sanas [[?]], Stella, Kids and I separated, each with an interpreter, and carried out interviews
I able to finish 5 interviews, as follows
despite fact mandors [[?]] tried to follow us around (inhibiting responses of women) and fact (some of our interpreters from plantation managed, these interviews very informative
workers paint a very different picture of their lives than that given by management

[[left margin]]
Group One: interviewed by side of [[?]] near Rudy's kampong
[[/left margin]]

1 interview with [[underlined]] Rohaiti [[/underlined]], a woman of 27 years old
five children ranging in ages from 1-10 years
children are left in the kampung with Rohaiti's mother, aged 40, who is a teacher at the SD [[?]]
Rohaiti herself has finished 6th grade and is able to read + write

[[top margin note]] 
further note: checked lunch tins of workers in Group One - lunches consisted of plain rice + small packets of salt or sambal [[?]], in same cases a few chunks of fried potato
[[/top margin note]]

her children left in the village are given a formula consisting of sweetened condensed milk + water + saccarine tablets (2 tablets per bottle)

insert - will probably decide to focus part of the project on infant feeding practices
in many places found Indomilk [[?]] sweetened condensed milk, which, acc. to Masri [[?]], used as the base of formula - to this is added more sugar, either white or brown, and saccarine tablets
no stability in strength or concentration of formula -> relates to illiteracy and inability of women to read instructions on milk tins
no info. on sterilization of bottles, pans, cups used