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-Tati would like to finish 6th grade
-she wants to marry at age 15 and wants to choose her own husband, i.e. does not want an arranged marriage

[LEFT MARGIN:  Group Two: interviewed in the middle of a field]

[circled 3] third interview with young woman named [[underline]] Komala [/underline]], age 25
has been picking only 4 yrs; before that did not work
lives in kampong Suren
seems the most intelligent of the women interviewed today; thoughtful answers -- ((can we use her in our program?))
one child, age 4
child left with father who is a keamanan polisi (village policeman); father paid 19,500 a mo. by the plantation
Komala's child was born at home with the assistance of a trad. midwife (dunkun melahirkan)
she lost an earlier child - died at age 8 mo. of "muntaber", a disease which causes severe vomiting (muntah) and dia 
took the child to the doctor at Patuhawatee poliklenik, but died anyway, doctor's medicine didn't help
Komala has finished 4th grade

she can read and write, "but not well" she says ("tapi jelek")
are Indonesian-language newspapers and magazines on the plantation, but these Sundanese-speaking women can't understand
I asked Komala if she knew how her wages were calculated
she says following sums are taken out of her earnings every month:
1.  240 for insurance (asuransi tenaga kerja = astek; her husband pays another 240)
2.  100 for "sports" (olah raga)
3.  150 for FBSI dues
Komala doesn't know what FBSI is, has never attended a meeting also has never heard of PKK
-she belongs to two arisans (rotating credit societies), a money arisan and a rice arisan (arisan uang dan arisan beras)
mandors have their own arisan, she says
Komala claims to be able to pick 80K a day in good season (40 x 2 weighings) and 30-40 in bad (15-20 x 2 weighings)
she confirms that payments 27 1/2 Rp a K