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she has poor eyesight and wears thick glasses which she bought herself, no assistance from plantation

[circled 4] fourth interview with woman named [[underline]] Kasih [[/underline]]
age 45
has given birth to 9 children which 5 still living
others died of "stomach ache" (sakit perut), "fever" (panas) and "coughing" (batuk)
her husband is older +/- 65 and already dipensiun
((because of age gap, probable that Kasih a second wife))
youngest of Kasih's children a girl named Sari, age 8
all the other children adults with own families
Kasih born on Patuhawattee in a kampong near where we interviewed her
she has 7 grandchildren (at age 45!) - 
says the young ones given a formula of:
1.  unsweetened powdered milk
2.  palm sugar (gula merah)
3.  saccarine [saccharine] tablets
4.  water

saccarine [saccharine] tablets added so formula will be sweeter ("supaya lebih manis")
-Kasih doesn't know what FBSI is, but 75 Rp is taken out of her earnings every month as dues (workers given wage slip listing earnings & deductions, but most can't read -- we saw one of these slips)
-doesn't know what PKK is
-"ikut KB" (practices birth control) but has never been given any info. on KB or nutrition
((probably means PKK not voluntary))
-doesn't belong to any organizations
-Kasih's mother has the task of fetching water for the family, but fortunately house at the crossroads and water source nearby
-Kasih herself does the cooking; cooks once in the morning before leaving for the fields, once after returning from work
Kasih's 8 yr-old is now in first grade; Kasih unsure whether she will be able to keep this child in school ("lihat bagaimana manti")

[circled 5] fifth interview with mother & daughter team
a.  mother named Awang, age 40 - has given birth 7 times, but