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4 living children
b.  daughter Tati, age 20-
recently married, husband age 25 - 
Tati now pregnant 5-6 months

Awang, her husband, Tati and Tati's husband all live together (says Awa, "saya kumpul sama mantu")
-Tati is Awangs 3rd living child; others are:
1.  age 26, male, living in Bandung
2.  age 22, female, married, works on Patuhaw.  also as tea picker
3.  age 10, male
-the 10-year old boy is now in the 4th grade and Awang plans to keep him in school thru the 6th grade
-Awang had 3 grandchildren, but one died
-she doesn't know anything about labor unions, FBSI or PKK
-her husband has a job with the plantation taking care of 3 cows belonging to the plantation
he looks for grass for these "sapi perusahaan" and for this he is paid 19,500 Rp a mo. (or min. wage)
Awang's husband age 45
-Awang "ikut KB" but got pregnant

again anyway (using spiral)
acc. to Awang, none of the women from the plantation had ever visisted Bandung before 1972 when a KB program was started - with this program all the women are loaded on a truck every 6 mo. or a year and taken to Bandung for "kontrol KB" (i.e. to check that their spirals are still in place - Awang says here she was 35 when 1st visited Bandung; doesn't match with age given above
[LEFT MARGIN: K.B. Center on Jl Aceh]
-Tati would like, if given the opportunity, to study sewing

next visited a penitipian bayi in one of the kampungs
in the end room of a gedak baracks in one of the kampungs
smoky [[smokey]] walls, cobwebs corners size 2 1/2 x 5 M for 20 children
-only one child there when we visited, an infant or young todler [[toddler]] asleep on a mattress on the floor in one corner, covered with various dirty cloths; all the other children out running around & woman in charge of the penitilapan didn't know where they were
-she a pleasant, toothless older woman who was chosen to run the penitipan because her