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[[left margin]] Sept 25, '82 [[/left margin]]

next morning walked to a small waterfall and bridge - on the road coming in to the central complex
after breakfast met w/ managers & their wives, inc. Rudy Linus

took our leave and continued on to P.T.P Sinumbra, long drive over the mtns.
arrived late afternoon
[[crossed-out]] check [[/crossed-out]] put our things in the guest house, tried not very successfully to bathe in the ice-cold water 
then dinner with the mgr. and his staff and their wives
Sinumbra a govn. - owned plantation, part of PTP 12
since our project will probably not include govn. plantations, we did not collect detailed stats on Sinumbra

much of the dinner conversation with the company doctor and [[crossed-out]] fu [[/crossed-out]] focused on a CARE project carried out thru the Directorate of Nutrition, govn. Health Dept.
contact person at the govn. Dra. Aida Nuh, formerly of the Directorate of Nutr. but now at P+K (Dept Educ.)

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project had 3 phases
73-74 nutrition info (penerangan gizi)
74-75 expansion + cadre-forming (memperluas dan 
75-76 becoming self-supporting through kitchen gardens and fish ponding
between 10,000 - 20,000 workers throughout the PTP12 system (23 plantations) were involved in the project
project also involved giving 60-80 grams of supplementary nutritious foods a day, including at various times havermout (oatmeal), wheat-soy blend + drink, soy 45, sorgum grits, etc.
Sayogyo père (+IPB) involved in the project thru his soy flour machine which broke down, they told us, in 1979
 was CARE's hope that factory management would take over project & bear the costs - had this happened? ((contact CARE + Aida Nuh for project reports))