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workers on Sinumbra have small gardens plots
most plots 4 x 4 M only, but are some which are larger
- management has several suggestions concerning out project, i.e:
 1. that it go thru the [['persatuars stu kalyawan'?]] (wives of managers) organiz. which has not become a unit of Dharma Wanita (the govn. org. for wives of govn. officials)
 2. also suggested that the workers have 1 free day a wk. which could be used for meetings
((Stella notes this the only day when workers can't be forced to go to the fields - -  nonetheless, most of them work for overtime on this day))
another suggestion that evenings be used, but aren;t women busy cooking, hauling water etc. are already [[crossed-out]] [[?]] [[/crossed-out]] PKKs on the govn. plantations, acc to the mgr
[[right margin]] - see above p 32-33 [[/right margin]]

-mgr. noted that Ny. [[Smutzer?]] donated 10 mil. Rp to [[Jalunggung?]] victims; when [[crossed-out]] [[illegible]] [[/crossed-out]] out that workers on

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her own plantation (o) were suffering, she donated 2x that amt. to [[Patuha?]] - wattee
mgmnt. complained that trouble with rice or tea distribution that [[bakuls?]] come around + the workers resell these items rather than keeping them for own use

next morning breakfast in the guesthouse
then continued on to PTP Cibuni; despite the fact is a govn - owned [[perkebunan?]], we decided to spend some time with workers and management here collecting comparative data
are 5 kampongs on Cibuni, with 1600 workers out of a total resident pop of 3200
size of concession 2140 hectares of which 1150 als. used for tea 
some 250 hectares illegally occupied by squatters (about 400 persons) in Kampong Cidung, but company has done nothing about it because most of these people work as labourers at Cibuni
Cibuni set up in 1907 by the Dutch;