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- factory built in 1923 or 25
- most of production exported to Europe, Middle East; at various times have also exported to Australia [[and?]] U.S.
- [[Galunggung?]] has caused serious problems at [[Cibuni?]]
workers have sometimes been given paid leave because of the ash fall
mgmt. claims production can't be exported this yr (since 1st explosions in April 82) because tea below international standards
forced to market locally; since many companies in same boat, a kind of war going on on the local market ((Stella says [[Tambunan?]] told her [[Cibuni?]] still exporting)) -- as elsewhere extra work of washing leaves falling on workers w/out extra compensation
nonetheless [[Cibuni?]] must be facing severe financial problems
mgmt. considering how to avoid workers scattering in case they have to declare temporary bankruptcy ; requires scheme to make the workers self-sufficient --
management suggested that we fund a livestock project toward this end besides [[Galunggung?]], management complained of the world recession

(risesi [[dunia?]]) in commodities prices
- suggested skin problems at [[Patuha-wattee?]] could be the result of water-bourne disease
- complained that workers don't take any responsibility for housing maintenance ((on their ancient bamboo - walled shacks)) -- company has to bear housing maintenance costs because, acc. to management, the workers are "sported" ([[manja?]]) compared with villagers outside the plantation area ((It is of course an absurdity to call these empoverished workers spoiled; Isn't maintenance on mgmt. housing also bourne by the company?)) 
- complained that workers slow to adopt improvements; didn't like to use introduced toilets at first; continued using the river; eventually, however, became used to the new toilets
- both the FBSI basis and [[Cibuni?]] management questioned whether women had any time or energy left over from their work to participate in a project such as ours pointed out that picking [[and?]] carrying leaves heavy work and women are