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already "[[loyo?]]" wilted when get home
- because [[Cibuni?]] at a lower elevation than [[Patuhawattee?]], vegetables and flowers grow well here
insert: (while waiting for the basis we stopped at some cottages on the edge of the central complex; one cottage occupied by an older Dutchman, presumably a plantations consultant; wife of one of the cottage occupants grows a large variety of European - style flowers, seeds of which brought from Holland; now these flowers are producing seeds and she allowed us to collect from the garden; also brought out jars of seeds and wrapped up little piles in pieces of paper for us; near the road by this cottage I spent some time talking to the wife of a manager on the way home from the tennis courts, looking very sporty in a white tennis dress, tennis shoes and socks)
elevation of [[Cibuni?]] 900-1300 compared with 1600-2000 (Rudy's house) at [[Patuhawattee?]]
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]] in fact veg [[and?]] flowers grow rather too well at [[Cibuni?]]; management mentioned that formerly they gave the workers plots of land on which to

grow vegetables with the hopes of improving the people's nutrition [[?]] (intermediaries) came into the area, however, and began buying up the vegetables, so no nutritional effect; these [[?]] tied up the people with credit and thereby, acc. to management, converted them to "[[?]] [[?]]" (employees of the [[?]]" rather than "[[?]] [[?]]'; [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]] workers began spending more [[and?]] more time on veg. production, less [[and?]] less on tea prod.
so new mgmt. outlaws veg. plots; otherwise, they claim, they will face a shortage of labor
one basis [[?]], however, that [[Cibuni?]] could set up a coop where surplus veg are sold (ie can't sell to [[?]]); such a coop, he felt, should be under the union
[[Cibuni?]] has 3 factory shifts of 7 hrs. each
learned the, in add. to FBSI-BPP for the workers ((which they don't even know about)), is also a labor organization called PEKAPEN [[(Persatuan Karyawan Perkebunan Negara)?]]
[[Pak Tambunan?]] is both with FBSi [[and?]]