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this season, however, they are only getting 5k a day each  (hence earning 180 Rp a day & must be living off credit)
Erin has been to the Cibuni poliklenik only once this yr. for dizziness ("pusing","mabok")
she complained of frequent breathing problems, however,
Erin & her husband don't get any land for veg.
leave home for fields at 6:00 AM & return to baracks at 7:00 PM - do this because "trying to reach quota" ((note the legal work day is 7 hrs & work wk is 40 hrs; if Erin & her husband work 6 days a wk & takes 1/2 hr. each way to walk to workplace, are putting in 12 hr days & 72-hr wks - may be more if working "overtime" on the 7th day, which most people seemed to do))
last mo. Erin & her husband reached target, but this mo.. only peeled 300k between them ((Q : are they allowed to weigh pickings together to increase chances of reaching bonus target?))
pickings low this mo. because of 

season, i e no "puncuk" (young new leaves) apppearing on the tea bushes.
Erin gets her water from pipes in the village (ais ledeng)

2. next tried to interview girl of 11 yrs. named Cici
difficul because she shy & didn't seem to understand our questions 
Cici picking in the fields with her father, Anda, age 39
Anda told us he and his wife pick 23k a day between them & hence last mo. reached target & got premi of 20Rp instead of usual 18 per k
Anda mentions that workers like to work overtime on Sundays because get direct cash payment at the end of day & don't have to wait till end of month - - important for families chronically short of cash

3 next interviewed young married couple working in the fields
wife named Rasmini, aged 24; they have 2 children, aged 2 & 4 yrs; Rasmini has had 1 miscarriage they married when Rasmini was 17; they have never yet used KB