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but plan to some time
husband "agrees" with KB
they hope for 3 children
- live in Cupuisba village
- Rasmini has worked in the fields since age 14
- she leaves her children w someone (mothers?) in the village; no penitipan bayi in Cupuisba
the 2-yrs. old still nurses (presumably morn & even. only)
- Rasmini & her husband pick 30K X 2 weighings a day = 60K a day or 1600K a month if good month = earnings of 32,000Rp - - this month, however, [[strikethrough]] with [/strikethrough]] will get only about 600 together X 20 = 12,000 Rp; not enough, they say, for their needs
no coop at Cibuni yet; indebted for rice to the store (warurg)
get 1/2 k free tea each for mo.
use 1/2k rice a day on 5 k every 10 days
have never attended labor meetings & don't know what SBPP or FBSI are; Rasmini's husband has a fish pond in their yard; produces a max. of 2 k of fish a mo. which they eat themselves

both Rasmini & husband are descendants of plantation workers & don't own any land outside
no major illnesses but frequently flu

- later that day returned to Bandrug; on the way heard from Stella & Tambunan that Cibuni now controlled by Belgian holding company called SEPEF, main office Medan formerly called Mclania Belgian Co.
- Stella and Tambunan say workers can be cheated of extra 3Rp premi & part of pesangon because double books kept

overnighted at Han's house (tape stolen from car)
Sept 26 (morning at police station)

lunch w/ Rudy Linus at Han's house; advised us to contact
Mr. Evans
General Mgr. (Plantager.)
office: Je. Rasuna Said, Kuningan,
Setia Budi Bld, floors 3-4-5
P.T. Sanding Mas, Plantagen A.S.