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became sick & homesick
was able to get a job at Patuhaw
in 1981 because brother at
P.T.P. XII -says w/out connections
difficult to get a job on plantations;
was given 8 mo. to learn all
the work & processes on the plant.
& then directly made kepala 
unlike most youth born on Patuhaw.
Berhan keeps up on news by reading
papers & maps at home of kepala
p4 - likes living on the plantation because
quiet & cheap
I don't pay rent
don't have to buy kerosene because
   can collect fuelwood
don't have transport costs because
   seldom need to go anywhere
don't need luxurious or modern goods
-Berhan does feel he needs a TV
because wife can't stand the quiet
(kesapian) & is not yet used to planta-
tion life
has only been married a few mos.
-Berhan likes & simple life; says
frightened by the prices in town,
surprised by all the big buildings
going up

says he doesn't really place much im-
portance on getting rich; pts out that
if wanted to get rich would have
stayed in Kalimantan
acc. to Burhan, a career on the
plantations greatly affected by a
person's morality ("moral") - says
a man's career (often ruined because
playing around with women workers,
noting that in fact there
are a lot of workers that are "janda"
(divorcees, widows i.e. women who
are likely in his opinion to be available
for playing around)
Berhan says the key to a good career is
studying from those who are more
senior & experienced than he is
wife from Mo [[strikethrough]] village in Majalengka
are; Berhan feels sorry for people
in wife's village because always
short of water & he would like some-
day to go back & help them overcome
that problem
but intends to continue career at Patuha-

(2) second interview with Tata, young
man of 24 with grade school education
(tamat S.D), but very shy & lacking
in self confidence