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some yrs. ago because father married 
2nd wife, a young tea picker
Wawan himself married at age 18 but 
no children yet
he has finished only 3rd grade & can't
speak Indon. at all
left school for "economic reason";
father a "mandor penyemprotan
hama " (foreman in charge of spraying
insecticides), so at age 12 Wawan
began following his father & working
in that section
after 3 yrs of marriage Wawan 
still hasn't gotten his own house
from the company
are 3 families living in a house only
4 x 6 meters in size
    1. Wawans' father, Didi & his family
    2. Wawan & his wife
    3. a nephew (or niece?) of Didi
     and his family
some of them have a transistor 
radio, but Wawan sometimes listens
in on his neighbor's radio
occasionally sees TV at the home
of the kepala mandor - favorite
program is "Desa Memlrangun
("Villages Developing") because can
"become acquainted with the regions
of other people"

-Wawan says only goes to Ciwedei once
a yr. & has only seen the movies in
Ciwedei 2x & in his life, and that was
when he was still single
now says there is no money for such
Wawan once got a job for 8 days in
the city of Bandung at a gas station-
came home because lonesome, no
friends; the other boys at the station
from Cirebon and Wawan couldn't
understand their speech (Cirebon
people speak a mixture of Jav. & Sundan.)
-studied praying (mengaji) from
the teacher at Cileeur mukhola, but
not till graduated (tidak tamat)
-Wawan unable to express any ambitions
for the future; says if returned to 
Garut, only fate would be to work
forever as a daily laborer ("paling2
jadi buruh lagi - jadi buruh lagi")
-would prefer to stay on as long
 as he has strength ("sampai sekuat
nya") on the plantation because
a lot of friends there

(4) fourth interview with a 24-yr.
old man named Endang
graduated from grade school &
speaks Indonesian much better