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have any understanding about the
use of that money"
altho only 13, being paid full
minimum wage of 650 Rp a day;
after FBSI & Kooperasi dues
deducted, gets 18, 500 Rp a mo.
-Enai's father from area to the 
west called Pasis Kuda & mother
from Ciwidei area; Enai & all
his siblings born on Patuha, however
-Enai's father a well-known Sundanese
singer, but Enai has no desire to
study this
p11 - Enai has never been to Bandung
because "has no friend" (to accom-
pany him)
says he is afraid to work outside
the plantation for the same reason
-Cileeur divided into 2 parts, the
main part & another part consisting
of 6 baracks on a small hill
behind - latter called Cileeur
Tonggoh (Cileeur Atas on Upper
Cileeur) & 15-20 families, including
Enai's family, live there
no TVs in Cileeur Tonggoh & hence
Enai has never seen TV
unable to express any ambitions for
his future

highest status & best jobs (kepala
mandor & up) for persons w/ better
educ. & experience outside the plant,
possibly persons not born on the 
difficult for plant-born to get a
good educ. or aspire to anything
higher than position of mandor
most youth on the plant. very isolated
from outside world & fearful of
never read papers & news of the 
outside world from travelling
traders or the occasional relative
who lives outside