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staff largely confined to men kulis brought over on 3-yr. cont & stiff penal code calling for imprisonment or extra forced labor
kulis tried to run away
kulis housed in barracks, frequen shifted from one division to anothe
high mortality rate
tho group of workers frequently r from same village, once on Sum. co be split up and moved around--
a man might be working w/ kul from a diff. part of Java & una to communicate w/ each other
from beginning no. of women se limited, as were the jobs they we allowed to perform
tobacco the primary estate crop 1st decades of 20th c
women confined in this ind. to the sorting & bundling of leaves on a piece-work bases - one 1903 c lation indicates that female [[strikethrough]] w [[/strikethrough]] la below level necessary to meet dai food requirements
by 1917 "protective' labor legis ab. implemented confining wo to certain tasks
with low earning levels, man women, both married & single

Transcription Notes:
full right hand margin cut off at many places. possible to guess, but I've typed what I saw page 95 is a duplicate