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acc to Stoler's older informents this was the only period of time in which they felt berani (brave) or kaut (strong) enough to assert their demands
growing open antagonism between workers and management culminated in late 50's
managers carried arms on payday & accompanied by bodyguards to & from work
hostilities not limited to estate sector but to all sectors where imperialist or foreign domination
in 1957 Sukarno govn. nationalized all Dutch holdings in Indonesia, ostensibly over the issue of Irian Jaya
thereafter confrontation on previously Dutch estates (which now had Indonesian managers) declined, but confrontation on estates owned by other foreign govn's (U.S., British, Belgian, Fr.) increased
unfortunately real wages declined by 42% between 1953 and 1964
increasing proportion of the wage payment in kind-- formerly (pre WWII) only rice subsidized, but now 11 basic goods & wage packet calculated on a family basis; often supply of these goods exceeded family's needs & could barter extra for vegetables, tobacco, etc. from other ethnic groups living outside the estate complex
despite decline in calculated real wages, workers felt during this period that Indonesian managers concerned with their welfare

re women, Stoler notes that SARBURPRI's successes at the expense of female workers; in fighting for a full "family wage" SARBUPRI argued that male wages should be adequate for wives & offspring; SARBUPRI & other unions encouraged women not to work, feeling would detract from fight for higher male wages
secondly SARBUPRIs successes mainly in getting overtime & other bonuses; because women had to carry housework load, seldom able to work overtime
in 1956 SOBSI national council passed resolution [[strikethrough]] demang [[/strikethrough]] demanding 
(1) equal rts for men & women in the same wrk
(2) an end to discrim. against women
(3) special rts for women with regard [[strikethrough]] fo [[/strikethrough]] to pregnancy, confinement & work conditions
at time seen as progressive, but eventually worked against women
for one thing almost all estate work involved strict sexual division of labor so