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-between 63 & 73 a 23.2% decline in farm size in N. Sum, largest decline in Indon. ((Stoler doesn't explain this well)) 
[[left margin]]p27[[left margin]
26% decline in estate labor force after 1954 (till when?) can partly be explained by decline in estate area due to squatting
but the 43% decline from 65-78 alone took place during a period when estate acreage being expanded; 
[[left margin]]p28[[left margin]
while clear that both men + women adversely affected by post-65 changes, women more severely affected
during last 10 years ((11 paper written in 79)) permanent female estate workers reduced by as much as 50% while men only 30%
((are these estates mechanizing?))--
those [[strikethough]] w [[/strikethrough]] women who voluntary quit in 50's + early 60's at union urging being forced back into labor market but as casual workers with much lower earning levels
gives data from rubber estates where in pre-war period & even until 1960's [[strikethrough]] mn [[/strikethrough]] women were employed along with men as rubber tappers; now there are no women tappers in N.
casual female + adolescent workers now carrying out tasks formerly preformed by permanent female workers, i.e. weeding, planting, and pest control 
women employed (as weeders on a temporary (casual) basis earn about 1/3 what they would as permanent workers
by hiring women on casual basis estates not only avoid paying menstr & matern. leaves, but casual female workers take only half the leave days off that perm. workers do, so estates have more work days per worker available
[[left margin]]p 29[[left margin]
while trend to use of female casual laborers well documented for some estates, data poor for industry as a whole; estate managers claim it is too difficult to collect data on sex & age composition for casual labor force

Stoler [[strikethrough]] go [[/strikethrough]] calls FBSI a govn-controlled union
says FBSI & Sumatran Planter's Assoc. have paid more attention in their recent yrs to casual work force, but their "surat keputusan" (decision letters) were suggestions for improvement w/out the force of law
last 10 years marked by alarming