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real wages have declined
real wages only 1/4 to 1/2 those of neighboring Malaysian estate workers of non-Jawanese [[?]]

to explain why wage levesl so low + [[?]] willing to accept, stolen [[?]] now to her data from 11/2 y living in a [[?]] estate village which supplied causal labor - - - - peripheral estate resemble [[?]] villages in that dense, houses low to the ground (not raised), [[?]] dance of fruit trees _+ intermitted veg. gardens [[?]] distances from houses, etc.
[[sidenote]] p 32 [[/sidenote]]
differ fromm Jaw villages in the homeland in that entire rhythem of village social and economic life geared around that of the estate section
estate pay - day, which comes 2x a mo, to when:
a. villages buy clothing from itinerant merchants who sell on credit
b. women sell snacks mean. wage - distribution points in the village on on the estates
c. people pay back debts to Batak merchants, Chinese salon contractors + merchants
d. ceremonial feasts for marriage + circumcisions held (since guests would otherwise be unable to make the obligatory cash contribe
e. villages spend whatever is left on investments on entertainment. 
- stolen notes that in daily conversation people use spatial devisions set up by the estates 2.5 yrs ago rather than new govn. division 
[[sidenote]] p 33 [[/sidenote]]
people in peripheral villages continue to call themselves "tame" as any new Jaw. villages would [[?]] when see that [[?]] land holdings in Stolen's village have dropped from 40 [[?]] in 1957 to .13 (per capita) in 1978 or 79 when [[?]] done
drop due both to natural increase + movement of estate + [[?]] workers onto the land in 1950's can't use BPS calculations of density for N. Sum. because include estate lands; in some districts as much as 20=50% of the total land area in estates 
villages where pressure most acute where land reclaimed by the estates.