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only 20% have been repaid after 3 yrs while supposedly all loans repaid afer 3 yrs
cost of the KEPPRES program at S.B. was Rp 67 mil. while value of 1982 catch Rp 264 mil
some members of community, esp boat owners, have benefited greatly, but crew less so

[[margin note]] insert (omitted p. 4) [[/margin note]] 
on smaller boats with a crew of 3 men the owner (juragen) covers all trip costs including food for the crew (pandega)
usually juragen gets 60% of catch while the 3 pandaya divide the remaining 40%

another change the development of a govn. fisheries coop over the period of 25 years
a Kooperasi Pertanian Darat formed for tambak owners by Mohammad Kartan ((whom we interviewed)) in 1958
in 1966 a corresponding coop for ocean fishermen formed (Kooperasi Perikanan Laut)
in 1977 combined under govn's Badan Usaha Unit Desa (BUUD) program


in 1979 renamed KUD
no clear how benefit
membership currently restricted to boat owners (juragen) & established traders who can obtain credit from the KUD and use its marketing facilities
neither male buruh nelayan nor female buruh pindang have access to KUD services & facilities

PPA project: already ongoing 2 yrs; PPA field worker Pak Didi Tahyudin
currently helping boat owners form coops that are more responsive to their needs than KUDs 
one coop has 18 members owning 31 boats-
members hope to use the coop to supply their material needs for fishing trips (diesel fuel, rice, cigarettes) & break their dependence on the shops which frequently charge 20-35% more than open market prices
KUD already has a shop but will not give credit
group also hopes to start a repair shop for the motors they now own