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"puluhar" (some tens of) women make shrimp paste (trasi) on a seasonal basis also (Oct - April)

((note: PPA project being carried ount [[out]] in 3 villages - see above p2))

[[left margin]] correction - these figures do not refer to total KUD membership - see below p. 20 - not sure what they refer to [[/left margin]]

this KUD membership as follows:
Sungai Buntu - 186
Cemara Glaya - 72
Betok Mati (not a PPA pr. id) - 19

shrimp are taken from the tambaks year round but are sent to Rengas Dengkok where there are krupuk factories ((which presumably compete w/ any local prod.))
small fish can also be used for trasi

from April - Aug. it is paceklik (slack season) in fishing villages, but harvest period inland so the women get inland to work as buruh panen
ikan pindang prod. continues in paceklik because bakuls go buy fish in areas like Pekalongan where better fishing
note here which indicates that the 80 bakuls listed above by Pak Kastom

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include only the bigger ones a higher % of who are male, which belong to KUD
((does KUD have any female members?))
- says here that 50% of the women dagang (sell) pindang & that small female producers buy from bakuls in off season
may also get from bakuls on credit & pay a bit more

says here that only KUD members can buy fish, so appears that the man we saw was a KUD member who bought & resold to an outside trader
requirements for becoming a KUD member:
1. want to become a member ("mau menjadi anggauta")
2. initial deposit of 2500 Rp which can be paid over time ("simpanan pokok 2500 atau menyicil")
3. regular savings equal to 1% of the sales price of your fish ("simpanan wajib 1% dari hasil pembelian")
4. voluntary savings of 1/2% acc. to KUD regulations