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only I jaring paying owned in S. B. but in good seasons boats w7 jaring payang come over from Ciparagch
fishermen from Ciparagch sleepover in S. B., sleeping in their prahus - shacks along shore inhabited by village prostitutes who serve the fishermen clientele
- 1 PPM klompok wanita formed 1 mo. ago (Dec. 82) but no concrete activities yet
- women sell their ikan pindang at Pasar Dengklok in R. D. - also sell keliling (house to house, around) using colts to get out to the areas (are no bemos)
5 men are able (mampu) to sell pindang outside the area and they travel as far as Cipanas, Bogos, Jakarta, Bekasi, Cikarang and Karawang (all in W. Java)
these men all have trade partners (langnan) who receive the fish on a regular basis
some tens of bakul pindang also come to S.B. on a regular basis to buy
-banding are also farmed in the tambaks - they can be taken all year round but they are mainly taken
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in June, July + Aug when the tides are high (pasang laut)
during this time the sea water comes- in and actually lowers the tader (%) of salt
when tides are low (surut) then the water becomes very brackish (payau, tua)
when tides rise and begins to rain, so that fresh water also coming in the fish get stronger

biggest months for fresh fish (ikan basah) are Nov + Dec who together account for about 30% of total 40% fo the ikan basah are sold directly to Jakarta + 60% processed locally for asin + pendang

I have figures here of 104,251 K for Nov + 137,034 K for Dec sold thru KUD but forgot to write down yr.

a national (Tingkat I) regulation that all fish must be sold thru the KUDs- a total of 5% ta taken so a few naughty ("nakal") individuals sell illegally ((how much resentment is there of this law?))
2% of the tax goes to the local govnor
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