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"Pemda" (Pemerintah Daerah) and 3% goes to the KUD for administrative costs ("pengelolahan")

production has gone up considerably owing to govn's motivation credit program called "bantuan Kepres" (Keputusan President 1980 #39)

in S.B. 40 individuals have gotten Kepres loans to motorize, while in Cemara Jaya 59 individuals have gotten such loans

Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) gives the money directly to the fisherman who repays thru the KUD
prior to the Kepres program only 10% of the boats in the area were motorized; open ocean fishing done about 15 miles out and used to lose 2-3 hrs. en route - now prod. up because more hrs to fish ((not because going further out))
15% of the fishermans sales are kept toward repayment of Kepres
at auction buyer pays KUD which takes its cuts 1st before giving to


as scheduled loans worth 67,000,000 Rp given to members of this KUD should be paid off in 3 yrs
after 2 yrs, however, only 20% of the loans repaid
((either losses thru corruption i.e. lowering listed catches or prices, or production increases overestimated when project Kepres drawn up))

total listed catches (from KUD blackboard):

[[4 Columned Table]]
| | K | Rp | Rp per K |
| 1977 | 390,245 | 44,036,270 | 112.84 |
| 1978 | 254,167 | 35,996,740 | 141.63 |
| 1979 | 296,376 | 67,950,720 | 229.27 |
| 1980 | 310,141 | 95,384,840 | 307.55 |
| 1981 | 523,125 | 212,261,850 | 405.76 |
| 1982 | 625,316 | 263,584,200 | 421.52 |
[[/4 Columned Table]]

coop started by Pak Kartom who before 1950 was a pedagang ikan from another village (Karang Jati) - married a S.B. woman