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coop has gone thru many transformations

started in 58 and was called "Kooperasi Perikanan Darat" & was for tambak owners
in 76 started a Kooperasi Perikanan Saut"
in 77 merged in govn. BUUD (Badan Usaha Unit Desa) why lasted 2 yrs
in 79 BUUD changed to a KUD

child labor question:
boys in grades 2 & 3 help part time with cleaning & pulling the boats, helping to buy & store boat supplies, etc.

by age 10 or about 3rd grade have dropped out and are going to sea with the boats

boys who clean the boats are called "thukgug kuras" - takes 2-3 boys about 2-2 1/2 hrs to clean one boat for which they are pay 1500 to divide among themselves

another labor category is boys who run to the stores, buy supplies & get them ready for the crew

girls work as "buruh membersikan ikan" or fish cleaners - they


may stay in school a yr. longer than boys but by 4th grade have also dropped out

only one kid from S.B. has ever gone on to SLA (sekolah lanjutan atas or probably a junior high equivalent

situation improving slightly; whereas only 6-8 graduated from grade school formerly, were 32 grade school (SD) graduates in 1981

rural stores in this area owned by Chinese families, about 10 stores in one desa - typical indebtedness problems

we next went down to the shore & talked with a crew from Ciparageh (about 1 1/2 hr. away by motor prahu or 3 hr. by cott on the highway whi goes thru Karawang town.)
S.B. close to the fishing grounds so many overnighting fisherman, this crew says they stay up to a wk - they claim that the wives & kids they leave behind are largely unemployed (pengangun) tho wives will make nets if get orders