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5K @ 550 Rp = 2 750 Rp
only use milk if making for own use

this amt of sago will make 300 plastic bags of cooked krupuk w/ 8-10 pieces in a ba
she sells to 3 warungs in the village for 50Rp a bag so gets 15,000Rp
must also deduct costs of plastic bags which sell for 1500 Rp a K with about 520 bags per kilo - hence can calculate price of 300 bags at about 865Rp
if total her costs = 9990 so still making profit of 5010 Rp w7  current sago prices if her estimates all correct

next talked to a net makes named Ibu Tarina (wife of pendega Pak Amad) local name for a netmaker is "pengarang"-
-she works ± 3hr. a day - gets nylon from juragen
-she gets all supplies from him
-one set of nets 15 depa w8 wts called a tinting
center part of net bought ready made and she make lining + border and attaches w7 nets + wts.
she estimates her earnings from net
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making at about 3500 a mo ((works out to about 39 Rp an hour which, if she worked a full day, would equal about 311Rp a day
she is about 30, was married 7 years ago and has 5 kids - uses no birth control
a 55,000Rp ratio in her house who she is buying on credit from an itinerant trades
Puskemas 1 hr away from S. B. by public transport and costs 1500 Rp

next to neighboring village of Cemara Jaya
this village unusual in that over 50% Chinese - pig keeping for the Jakarta market in evidence + pigs roam about the village -
appear to be of Balinese type without back crest
visited first a pribumi hime inhabited by young couple in early 30's with 5 children
husband going blind, probably from vitamin A  deficiency tho a big strapping fellow otherwise
-they work making nets (netmaking was going on while we were there),
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