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In this region there are two main fishing seasons. Musim ikan- when the fish are running and the catch is good (1982 November-March). Musim Paceklik- when the catch is low (Apriol-October). Last year Musim Paceklik was betweenth months of April and July the catch was very low. Many families were forced to ask for loans to cover the cost of daily needs as there was insufficient money generated by the fishing industry.

Many boats did not go out as the owners could not make enough money to finance the cost of the trip. This furthur [[further]] intensified the need for loans as families dependent on fishing and associated industries had no opportunity to earn an income.

Money is borrowed from bakul (fish traders) or juragan (boat owners). The amount and time to repay the debt depends on each individual family and whether extra work can be found in the slack season. Many people have no extra skills so debts are never paid off completely.


Few women work full time, over fifty percent do make ikan pindang at home on a very small scale. Most look after the house, care for the children and husband.
Discussion with women indicated that in the slack season life is very difficult. Money to cover the cost of daily expenditure can not be found. So money needed must be borrowed.

Many families in Desa Cemara Jaya are forced to sell lamps, clot[[strikethrough]] c [[strikethrough]] h and household intensils such as plates and glasses in an endeavour to make ends meet. Daily expenditure for a family of 3 is between Rp 2,000 - Rp 2,500 a day for every day staples - oil, coffee, rice, sugar, soap, spices and occasional vegetables. Fish comes from the boat.