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Women also book up goods at the store. Not only food, clothes and house-hold goods as well. Mark up price on credit goods is 2-3 times as ex-pensive. This is added to the already accrued debts.

Houses are small, close together and sparsely furnished. Some houses are clean and well looked after, others are dirty. Water is pumped from the ground. Women must fetch water every day.

The majority of women are illiterate not having attended school. At Ce-mara Jaya none can read or write. They acertain in they have no skills and there fore no way to earn money. 


Approximately 50% of women at Sungaibuntu are engaged in a number of income earning activities related to the fishing industry, primarily in the areas of processing. 60% of the catch is processed by pindang, asin or ikan kering (cutting and drying).

Cleaning fish
Ikan Pindang
Ikan Asin
Ikan Kering
Ikan Terasi
Krupuk Tengiri
Net Making
Small shops selling snacks